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Ä«Å×°í¸® | FASHION |
Date | 2024-06-22 |
MUSINSA is hosting a special pop-up event at MUSINSA Square Seongsu 4 to celebrate 'MUJINJANG Summer Black Friday.' This pop-up features QR codes that offer various coupons for use at MUSINSA, 29CM, and Soldout online stores. Each QR code contains different benefits, including up to 1 million won in points and 90% discount coupons. Additionally, the pop-up site offers a variety of events to delight visitors. 'MUJINJANG Live' provides an opportunity to watch influencer live broadcasts in person, and participation in on-site events guarantees 100% gifts. For more details, check the official MUSINSA Instagram account. 为Öõ庆õæ¡°MUJINJANGù¾ÌùýÙßäàøÑ¢ç顱£¬MUSINSAî¤MUSINSA Square Seongsu 4举办÷å别îÜöá闪üÀ动¡£Üâóöá闪üÀ动îÜ÷åßäãÀ扫ÙÚì£维码ʦ获Ôðî¤MUSINSA¡¢29CMûúSoldout线ß¾ßÂïÁÞÅéÄîÜÊÀ种优û³Ïç¡£Øß个ì£维码øÐùßÜôÔÒîÜÜØ××£¬øÐÎÀõÌÍÔ100ز韩êªîÜ积ÝÂûú90%îÜï¹扣Ïç¡£ó®è⣬öá闪现场还ñ×备ÖõÊÀ种üÀ动£¬让访ËÔ们尽ú½乐ö¬¡£¡°MUJINJANGòÁ÷롱ð«ÍêÖõ现场观Ê×网红òÁ÷ëîÜÏõ会£¬参与现场üÀ动还ʦ获Ôð100%îÜ礼Úª¡£ÌÚÒý详细ãáãÓ请查Ê×MUSINSAί۰Instagram账号¡£ 📸: Halcyon Magazine 📍¼¿ï½Ã ¼ºµ¿±¸ ¼º¼öÀÌ·Î20±æ 12 ⏰6. 22(Åä) - 7. 3(¼ö) ¿ÀÈÄ 1½Ã ~ ¿ÀÈÄ 8½Ã __ |