̰ װ, ° | |
ȸ | 1831 |
īװ | ISSUE |
Date | 2024-05-21 |
̰ װ ̰ װⰡ ° ߴٰ ǥ߽ϴ. װ ȸ 30 ̻ λ µ, Ȯ λ ʾ ž° 211 ¹ 18 ž ٰ̾ ϴ. װ ۿ , ± 籹 ʿ Ƿ ߰ ۿ İϴ Դϴ. Singapore Airlines has announced that one passenger has died and over 30 others were injured after a flight from London to Singapore encountered severe turbulence. The aircraft made an emergency landing in Bangkok, Thailand, to avoid the turbulence, and local authorities are currently working with the airline to provide medical assistance to the injured passengers. There were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board. ʥ֣ʭ从伦飞ʥ严乱٣̣30伤为开乱飞紧˽ժ国غۣ当ݤ与£为伤医疗飞߾211٣18٣组员 📸: X, Singapore Airlines |